Employee Benefits
You will retire someday, even if you can't afford to.
While you're working long and hard to expand your business, shouldn't your money be working just as hard to provide you with a secure retirement? And what about your employees? You need to create a retirement plan that serves the needs of your entire company.
Types of Plans
Employee-sponsored retirement plans can be employer funded, funded by contributions from both employers and employees or entirely employee funded. They generally fall into two categories:
Qualified Plans
Qualified plans adhere to IRS regulations about eligibility, employer contributions, employee withdrawals, and withdrawal tax consequences. A company must also meet strict federal rules for nondiscrimination to ensure that the plan benefits almost all employees.
Non-Qualified Plans
Non-Qualified plans are plans which allow an employer to decide which employees receive retirement benefits and how much. They are much more flexible than qualified plans, since rules for contributions and nondiscrimination are not as strict, but they provide less immediate tax advantages. They may provide for retirement or deferred compensation benefits or supplemental benefits beyond those from the company's qualified plans.
Resource Group is committed to creating accessible and affordable retirement plans for small to mid-sized businesses. Let's discuss which retirement solution best suits you and your business's needs.
Important Note - The information on this site is general in nature. Any description of coverage is necessarily simplified. Whether a particular loss is covered depends on the specific facts and the provisions, exclusions and limits of the actual policy. Nothing on this site alters the terms or conditions of any policies. You should read the policy for a complete description of coverage. Coverage options, limits, discounts and deductibles are subject to availability and to individuals meeting underwriting criteria. Not all features available in all areas.